Friday 4 March 2016

Props for filming

Torch and matches: We used a torch within our trailer for the protagonist to use when searching the forest for the killer. the torch in hand of one character, particularly in a long shot can demonstrate the characters vulnerability. This was the intention as we wanted Sam to look intimidated and the torch also can play as a spotlight on the area she intends on searching which created an opportunity for moments of fright.

iPhone 6s camera: The iPhone 6s camera was used not only used for characters to reinforce the convention of teenagers being digital natives, but also to record the scenes where Sam is begin attacked in the kitchen by the killer. The handheld phone camera effect was effective within our sequence as it played as a visual through the characters perspective. As well as the visual effects, it had on the whole scene it also gave great quality shots, with the 12 mega-pixel camera and the auto focus which enabled for sudden and almost jerky shots to still remain in focus.

Knife: The knife was present in the match on action shot with the protagonist Hannah standing by window and the killer approaching her in the next shot from behind with the knife scrapping on the door. The knife is a common prop to use in the genre of horror as it has negative representations, linking to killing or attacking a victim. Use of the knife in horror films is often overplayed so we tried not to make it the stand out weapon in our trailer, the knife created tension visually, as well as digetically with the intense scraping used to of set the music.

Dishes, cutlery and broken glass: We used these items to distress the scenes setting to show the impact of the killers presence. We showed the commotion an the destruction the killer created when he was simply near this added to the audiences fear of the antagonist as it showed how frightening he is. 

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