Wednesday 16 March 2016

Magazine layout

Here is a basic mock up of our magazine we decided it would more realistic to go with an already well known magazine brand than creating our own. I felt that Total Film magazine would be more fitting as it showcases all genres of films and it adapts seamlessly to each film it shows. This was something that made choosing this magazine seem far more attractive it meant that I was able to be far more creative as the magazine is too. This meant that although our magazine was in fact an imitation of the original it would still appear to realistic and of a high standard, due to the flexibility of the original magazine.  

Examples of some of Total Films issues, showcasing their creative particularly the difference in the title to suit each film. 

When picking a total magazine to focus on and to compare to. I took inspiration from many magazines but tried to focus on magazines that had two people as their main image as this is how I intend to layout our magazine. With the Masthead usually staying in the same place remaining at the top of the page this meant that this convention of the particular magazine would have to stay the same. Other features of the magazine such as the positioning of the film title were interchangeable as they varies from cover to cover. 

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