Sunday 13 March 2016

First cut feedback

From the our first viewing to a our target audience, we established various areas which required improvement. The main areas for improvement was in the editing process, there were too many moments of darkness and segments of dead time within the trailer. As if it required more shots in the beginning to give the trailer a sense of continuity and to also tell the narrative at the same time. we were also told to add more sounds to make the clips more understandable, such as the mid shot of Rasharn breathing because it wasn't clear. the final part was just small details to improve on such as the removing on grain effect where no appropriate like in the beginning with the institutional information. Overall, using this method of retaining feedback, I was able to understand the changes required to make and also what has worked well as I would be aware if I have appealed to my target audience. 

Areas for improvement: 

- Lose blank segments with no action
- Extend some shots shown in the first half
- Record more shots to add to the beginning 
- Add foley sound to raw cuts
- Make institution logo without grain/glitch effects

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