Monday 14 March 2016

Final Film title change

We decided to change our film title as Octob3r 1 boxed our trailer into only having Halloween connotations. Our final name change to Th1rt3enth made more sense as it more associated widely with the Horror genre rather than it just being vaguely Halloween. Besides changing to Th1rt3enth because of it being more broadly associated with horror, it mainly our story-line change that prompted Del's realisation that our film title no longer fits the actual story and trailer. Titles are far more memorable when the actual title matches the conventions of the trailer.

When making the logo Del decided to stick to red like the logo I had made previously. With red holding connotations of blood and with red is a very emotionally intense colour. The colour dark red is associated with courage but could also be associated with malice and wrath. 

Del decided to animate the title as it would help the audience to understand what our trailer may be about even more. Using Adobe After Effects he added the Glitch effect this digital distortion of an already blood red title gives and overall feel of displacement (the hint at something going wrong) the title being changed and then going back to normal is somewhat is symbolic of the metamorphosis  our main character Hannah has to go through to defeat the antagonist with losing her sense of identity. 

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