Sunday 13 March 2016

Filming Schedule

We found it difficult setting strict dates for filming as peoples free time varied depending upon availability, so we decided to separately film each character and piece it together in the final editing phase to place them together. These aren't exactly dates we specifically set up to film, it was the dates available for the actors.

Day one of shoot: 17th December 2015
Actors: - Mia
Props/Equipment needed: - Camera- Tripod
Costumes needed: Mia - black t-shirt, grey stone wash jeans, converse trainers
Day two of shoot:  18th December 2015
Actors: - Rasharn
Props/Equipment needed: - Camera- Hand held tripod stabilizer 
Costumes needed: Rasharn - Leather cap, black t-shirt, red and black flannel shirt, black denim jeans, black fadidas flux trainers
Day three of shoot: 5th January 2016 
Actors: - Rasharn - Mia- Sam
Props/Equipment needed: - Camera- Hand held tripod stabilizer - Knife
Costumes needed: Rasharn - Leather cap, black t-shirt, red and black flannel shirt, black denim jeans, black Adidas flux trainersMia - black t-shirt, grey stone wash jeans, converse trainersSam - White t-shirt, blue hoodie, light grey denim jeans, white converse trainers
Day four of shoot: 7th January 2016 
Actors: - Sam- Del
Props/Equipment needed: - Camera- Tripod- Knife
Costumes needed: Sam - White t-shirt, blue hoodie, light grey denim jeans, white converse trainersDel - Green hoodie, green flannel shirt, black destroyed denim jeans, grey distressed boots
Day five of shoot:  8th January 2016
Actors: - Sam- Del- Rasharn
Props/Equipment needed: - Camera- Hand held tripod stabilizer- light reflector
Costumes needed: Sam - White t-shirt, blue hoodie, light grey denim jeans, white converse trainersDel - Green hoodie, green flannel shirt, black destroyed denim jeans, grey distressed bootsRasharn - Leather cap, black t-shirt, red and black flannel shirt, black denim jeans, black Adidas flux trainers

Credit: Del

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