Tuesday 29 September 2015

Target Audience Research

Who would be the audience for your media product?

My target audience is 16-25 year olds, they would mainly be males. According to my research, the majority of films are either equally weighted with the gender types but most of the films have a male target audience. They're also aged around 18 years old or older on average due to the different levels of horror the producers intent on including.

This is the user's report from IMDB reviews of the film 'The conjuring'. The predominant gender in this review is just slightly males, that are aged 18 and few are aged above 18. making this film's possible target audience 18 year old males and females. 

This is an IMDB user report for the film, 'The Cabin in the Woods'. From this report it's clear that the majority are males, mainly aged around 18-29 years old, thus making the target audience for this film 18-30 year old males. 

Overall, the main gender used to target with films are males. especially for films that may be gory or uncomfortable for audiences. Young adults and teenagers are also main targets as they tend to be in education or just started work, still making them understand being young and also making it easy to relate to the characters featured in our trailer. 

Credit: Del

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