Sunday 20 September 2015

Character profiles

Establishing a character profile is essential for giving the audience a believable character and how much character development each character should have. Typically underdeveloped or poorly developed characters come from stereotypes, if all characters were extremely deeply developed then it would be hard for the audience to form attachments to characters. 

Typically in horror films have 4 characters that are extremely underdeveloped and are purely there to be killed or to help move the plot along. The other 2 are usually more developed to help the audience sympathise with them when they are killed or get away.

Samantha: (The Last Girl/Virgin) she will be playing Hannah she fits the archetype of the last girl as she looks quite young and innocent. She is the protagonist of our film her character is highly developed. 
Her mind is not clouded by lust or drugs, so she is able to make it to the end and defeat the villain. She is often a very quiet and laid back girl who finds strength she didn’t knew she had. She becomes a killer herself.

Stereotype: Virgin, innocent.

Why we chose this actor/actress: We chose Samantha because she has quite a young baby face. She wears hardly any make up which makes her look even more young and inexperienced at life as well as her being quite skinny and petite which has connotations of youth. Beside her overall appearance Sam also is a A level drama actress who very much enjoys acting and has acting experience, this will make her character more believable. She also goes to the same school as us which makes her eaily accessible.

Rasharn: (Non-beliver) he will be playing Marlo he fits the archetype for ethnic minority. I found that in horror films where the cast is mainly Caucasian they include another character to provide "diversity".  
His character is not nearly as developed as fully as the others. His character is always likable but the audience bother trying to care about them, because they know they will probably die first anyway.

Stereotype: Token Ethnic minority.

Why we chose this actor/actress: We chose Rasharn not only because of his race but because of his features and build it is typical that the ethnic minority is attractive in films and we decided on him because of his build because he has quite a muscular frame this is the frame we intended for the killer to be, which is why he was perfect. Just like Sam he is too and an A level drama student which makes his character even more believable. He also goes to the same school as us which makes her easily accessible.

Mia: (Cheerleader) she will be playing Jody she fits the archetype of Cheerleader as she is blonde and pretty. She is not necessarily a cheerleader; she is a pretty girl who is not very bright and not very nice. 
The others seem to tolerate her and she is somehow friends or enemies with the other girl in film. She will act hysterically to little things which makes the viewer dislike her and want her to get killed first. Her main purpose in the film is to either attract male viewers by being pretty and attractive as well as making scenes more dramatic. 

Stereotype: Flirty, popular cheerleader.

Why we chose this actor/actress: We chose Mia because of her appearance and acting ability. She quite small which makes her appear even more feminine on screen compared to the male actors. As well as being pretty she knows how to do her makeup very well this gives the audience the idea that she older when she is in fact the same age as the others. Mia juxtaposes Sam's character with her popularity, flirtatiousness and make up. As well as her being a A level Drama student. She also goes to the same school as us which make her easily accessible.

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