Wednesday 30 September 2015

Target audience research: Horror

Why is audience so important?

Audience research is important because it allows for distributors to establish when to release and even what to include in a film that would appeal to their target audience; things that would not appeal to the target audience. For example in a children's film there would not be swearing but in a horror there would most likely be, as their target audience are far older, and it's a convention that is expected by the audience.

Most filmmakers have to have more than one target audience as this would allow them guaranteed success, most film companies have a primary target audience and a secondary target audience. The primary target audience is usually identified through demographic variables i.e. age, sex, level of education, social grade and even their country of residence. The secondary target audience come in two categories, the first category of secondary target audience is the secondary audience that is actually larger than the secondary audience.

Fig. 1 Audience matters.

If filmmakers do not have a target audience in mind then it could be hard to get a good response as it would be hard to advertise on media's that the audience uses such as marketing a teen-orientated film in a newspaper when it is known teens prefer to use the internet. As well as this it allows them to get a good income if you market it properly it will draw in a large crowd, with the correct audience attracted to watch the film it allows for the filmmaker to know whether a sequel would be successful.

Fig. 2 Profit
Does age, social class and who they watch it with matter?
With a variety of films appealing to horror in terms of gore, violence and other features managing to make it as a 15 from the BBFC or even a 12a in some cases, the horror genre becomes more easily to introduced to teen culture. Although the typical viewer of horror films are male  within the age range of 15-24, this is because the largest group of cinema goers are people ages 15-24. 

Fig. 3 Ratings for the 1974 version of Texas Chainsaw Massacre showing that Males enjoyed the film more than Females 

The audiences for horror movies are often groups of friends however, there are key groups of audiences who often see horror movies. Couple who are either on a first date or have been in love for a long time but not married commonly go and watch horror movies. 

Overall horror films are aimed at working class community. This is due to the level of thrill and excitement which is gained form a horror film with a relatively cheap price. If the upper class watch horror films they are usually watch a sub genre or another genre such as romance or action. This is due to the the upper classes wanting to watch films with larger budgets and more special effects. However, when certain horror films have sequels its clear that they can appeal to a far larger audience such a final destination which has several sequels.

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