Friday 11 September 2015

Conventions of a Romance Film: characters

There are different types of charterers that are featured in a Romantic film that play a all play a part in the way the film will end up. The types of characters include:

The Protagonist - This is can usually be a either male of female playing this part, this character is the one that is typically the one that finds love with the other character in the film. An example of where this occurs is in the movie 'Notebook' where you find the male narrating the story about how he fell in love.

The Hero- Being the one fighting for the love of the couple. whether it will be sacrificing their body getting injured or even their love for the love or happiness of their other. For example, in the 'Titanic' film, Jack gives up the space on the door and freezes to death in the attempt of keeping Rose alive.

The Antagonist- Separation between the couple, this can be an ex boyfriend or girlfriend, or even a illness that is stopping their love from developing. For example, int he film 'Fault in Our Stars' ends with the protagonist losing her loved one due to the development of cancer in his body. This causes him to die and their love to come to an end.

Credit: Del

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