Tuesday 29 September 2015

Location For Trailer Shoot

Fig. 1 Classroom
Fig. 2 Woodland
Fig. 5
Fig.4 House hallway
These a few pictures of locations we were going to film our project, we are going to film in woodlands and in different indoor locations such as living rooms and bedrooms for each individual character. There will be separate shots of each character being attacked by the unknown presence, this is why it is key we use a variety of locations.

The locations we have decided to use range from woodlands to different indoor locations such as living rooms and bedrooms for each individual characters. We have decided to use locations like this due to tour film being quite realistic these are everyday places that people our age would hang out this allows it to be relatable for our target audience. Our locations have quite a diverse range because we noticed in horror films there are either several locations or a few locations and one key location in which most of the film takes place, for us it is the woodland.

Both of us have visited these locations and judged whether they would be appropriate for our film we both agreed they would. We do not need permission to use these locations as these are either our own homes (living room or bedroom) or public property (woodland) which means we wouldn’t need permission from the council or owners of the house.

 Potential issues that may arise from these locations are few and far between. As we only have one outside location this means that seasonal/ weather changes do not affect us as much as it would if our whole film was outside. The only problem that could arise with using the woodland is when it rains it becomes very hard to walk and can get very messy at times actors may fall our slip because of this we will need to do a risk assessment of the area because of this. As well as film on days it is particularly dry. 

Credit: Brieani & Del

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