Monday 19 October 2015

Film Title change/re-evalution

In a previous post we decided to call our film October 31st, due to the survey we conducted with our audience. It was a clear winner but due to much discussion and research we have realised that the name 'October 31st' is probably already been used as it can easily be tied to horror and Halloween. Also the fact a quick Google search promoted this and this.

This is a common problem that most filmmakers face so we will have to start over with our title, but we have decided to find a creative way to still include the Halloween name in the title.

Here are some title ideas that we have come with:
Font 1 with different effects. Maximus BT
We experimented with several different fonts and effects.
Font 2 with different effects. Youngseek BTN
Red was the common theme that ran throughout as blood is a common colour used in horror.

Font 3 with different effects we used a mix of texts Casablanca SF and Dark Half BTN.

Towards the end of our experimenting with the title we decided to start to mix texts together as we found it highlighted the '3' and the '1' more.

We will be talking to a small sample of our target audience and peers before we had out the questionnaires to find out what text they like best. By talking to them we hope to narrow down at least one title in each category, for our questionnaire.

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