Wednesday 4 May 2016

Changes made because of the feedback

1. First draft
2. Second draft
3. Final draft

"The title of the film Th1rt3enth stands out but because it is written in typical font is makes the film title blend into the page. I think you should change it to the same font you used in your trailer."

  1. From this piece of constructive criticism I realised I had spent a lot of time making the main image look professional, and seem to let the text be a after thought. These are the stages to the change magazine title, the first title looked clumpy and the red seemed to be not the right shade. As well as this it lacked character and this meant it stood out more. 
  2. The second draft had more character and the red was more intense, but it seemed to blend in with the rest of the magazine. I listened to the criticism and used the same font to the trailer. 
  3. The final draft made the title stand out far more and drew attention to the film. It also gave the audience of the magazine clues about the genre of the film. 

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