Thursday 12 May 2016

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research and planning, and the evaluation stages?

Credit: Del

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

In this video Del and I explored how audience feedback helped us, we also reflected on the changes we have made due to the audience feedback. 

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Credit: Del

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Changes made because of the feedback, continued

1. First draft

2. Final draft 
"The subheadings don't stand out enough, even though they are all different topics it appears as though they all say the same thing. However the colour scheme goes really well I like that the smoke seems to go around the main actor." 

  1. Another target audience member see the problem with the subheadings this is a major problem as it lets down the whole magazine piece as the text takes up so much of the magazine layout. 
  2. I changed the colour of the sub-headings as it was recommended in the audience feedback, I chose yellow as it seemed to match the colour scheme, as a another shade of red would've blended into page too much. 

Changes made because of the feedback

1. First draft
2. Second draft
3. Final draft

"The title of the film Th1rt3enth stands out but because it is written in typical font is makes the film title blend into the page. I think you should change it to the same font you used in your trailer."

  1. From this piece of constructive criticism I realised I had spent a lot of time making the main image look professional, and seem to let the text be a after thought. These are the stages to the change magazine title, the first title looked clumpy and the red seemed to be not the right shade. As well as this it lacked character and this meant it stood out more. 
  2. The second draft had more character and the red was more intense, but it seemed to blend in with the rest of the magazine. I listened to the criticism and used the same font to the trailer. 
  3. The final draft made the title stand out far more and drew attention to the film. It also gave the audience of the magazine clues about the genre of the film. 

First draft of magazine cover

This is the first draft of my magazine cover, I deliberately used colours of red as it is associated horror. I used Photoshop CS5 to create the magazine as I was very experienced with it. I decided to get feedback from my target audience as they are the people who will buy the magazine. 

"The overall appearance of the magazine is good, especially the main image but the text lets it down."
From this comment I totally understood what they meant as the text could appear almost all the same except for the title of thirteen. I feel I should give subheadings a different font or colour to make it stand out more. 

"The subheadings don't stand out enough, even though they are all different topics it appears as though they all say the same thing. However the colour scheme goes really well I like that the smoke seems to go around the main actor." 
Another target audience member see the problem with the subheadings this is a major problem as it lets down the whole magazine piece as the text takes up so much of the magazine layout. 

As I compare my magazine subheadings to a August 2015 Film magazine I can understand that my fonts do not stick out, this is important as the subheadings draw the audience in as it lets them know what is in the magazine. 

"The title of the film Th1rt3enth stands out but because it is written in typical font is makes the film title blend into the page. I think you should change it to the same font you used in your trailer."

From this piece of constructive criticism I realised I had spent a lot of time making the main image look professional, and seem to let the text be a after thought. 

"There are no social media links or even a website most film posters contain at least one."

This is something else I will be adding as it is a key convention in a modern day magazine.

To conclude, the feedback from my target audience review I received many comments on the subheadings so this is something that I will be amending, as well as this I have decided that the title for the film on the magazine will be changed to the same font that was used in the magazine cover. It keeps a certain level of continuity to both of the ancillary texts, as well as this I will add a web address for the magazine too.