Wednesday 20 April 2016

Poster layout changes

Del chose to change the layout/mock up positioning’s of the poster. Before I featured the protagonist, antagonist and "Marlo", this created a busier design which left too much space featuring dark areas wasted space. 

Therefore Del chose to take inspiration from film posters such as Scream, Carrie and Woman in black; Del felt their posters were effective in simply conveying the genre of horror as well as just including the protagonist. Del decided to to use the same layout for my poster with the protagonist, "Hannah". We also realised that the extreme close up shot made certain characters instantly recognisable so it made sense to put the protagonist on the front as she drives the plot.

New poster layout
As you can see Del decided that the poster should only contain "Hannah" this was due to her being the protagonist. Hannah had most of the screen time in the trailer this meant that it allowed for her to be almost instantly recognised by the audience who have seen our trailer. Del and I also decided to make Hannah the center pieces for both of our ancillary texts to further illustrate her major role in the film. 
While to old mock up of the poster used three characters we realised from our audience feedback that it could was slightly disorganised and in an attempt to draw the characters together we had to add very dark shadows. In one sense the overall darkness fits the genre of Horror but our target audience found the darkness took up so much of the page it was hard for the characters to stand out individually.  
Credit: Del

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