We decided to conduct a survey prior to creating our ancillary texts; this was to see what types of texts are more accepted by our target audience and to also understand what elements of the texts they would prefer to be featured. I chose to sue closed questions so I could easily create graphs to form a final analysis for the data recorded. Here are the questions that I had asked my target audience:
Male [ ] Female [ ]
Under 10 [ ] 11 – 17 [ ] 18 – 29 [ ] over 30 [ ]
How often would you say you watch movies?:
Everyday [ ] Once a week [ ] Once a month [ ] Less than once a month [ ]
Yes [ ] No [ ] Sometimes [ ]
Which style of horror film do you find more scary?:
Realistic [ ] Fiction [ ] Both [ ]
Where do you find out about new movies?:
TV trailers [ ] Online trailers [ ] Magazines [ ] Cinema [ ]
Where do you usually view new trailers?:
Cinema advertisements [ ] TV Advertising [ ] Online [ ] Other [ ]
Do you read movie magazines, if so how often?:
Yes, frequently more than once a month [ ] Sometimes, less frequent more sporadic every couple of months [ ] Barely, once or twice a year [ ] No [ ]
Does the actors presence (name or photo on a poster) influence your decision to watch the film?:
Yes [ ] No [ ] Sometimes [ ]
Are you more inclined to watch films with people you identify with such as age, race, gender or do you have no inclination/ preference towards what the actor looks like?:
Yes [ ] No [ ] Occasionally