Tuesday 23 February 2016

Questionnaire for ancillary texts

We decided to conduct a survey prior to creating our ancillary texts; this was to see what types of texts are more accepted by our target audience and to also understand what elements of the texts they would prefer to be featured. I chose to sue closed questions so I could easily create graphs to form a final analysis for the data recorded. Here are the questions that I had asked my target audience:


Male   [   ]     Female   [   ]


Under 10   [   ]     11 – 17   [   ]     18 – 29   [   ]      over 30   [   ]

How often would you say you watch movies?:

Everyday   [   ]     Once a week   [   ]      Once a month   [   ]     Less than once a month   [   ]
  Do you enjoy the genre of horror when watching films?:

Yes   [   ]     No   [   ]     Sometimes   [   ]

Which style of horror film do you find more scary?:

Realistic   [   ]     Fiction   [   ]     Both   [   ]

Where do you find out about new movies?:

TV trailers   [   ]     Online trailers   [   ]     Magazines   [   ]     Cinema   [   ]

Where do you usually view new trailers?:

Cinema advertisements   [   ]     TV Advertising   [   ]      Online   [   ]     Other   [   ]

Do you read movie magazines, if so how often?:

Yes, frequently more than once a month   [   ]     Sometimes, less frequent more sporadic every couple of months   [   ]      Barely, once or twice a year   [   ]      No   [   ] 

Does the actors presence (name or photo on a poster) influence your decision to watch the film?:

Yes   [   ]     No   [   ]     Sometimes   [   ]

Are you more inclined to watch films with people you identify with such as age, race, gender or do you have no inclination/ preference towards what the actor looks like?:

Yes   [   ]     No   [   ]     Occasionally 


Before making the trailer we drew up a storyboard, we made sure to draw up our storyboard before making the actual trailer as it acted as a reference point that we could refer back to when filming. The storyboard is like setting up a plan for production, including all the shots you'll need, the order that they'll be laid out, and how the visuals will interact with the script. 

This is the storyboard for the trailer, Del presented all shots in the illustrations to the nearest standard that they would be filmed in to make filming easy and faster for all cast and crew. This was something Del had improved on from AS as Del previously attempted to film improvising what the actors do on set. This wasted a lot of time and was something Del made sure was accurately done before filming. 

Filming schedule

We found it difficult setting strict dates for filming as peoples free time varied depending upon availability, so we decided to separately film each character and piece it together in the final editing phase to place them together. These aren't exactly dates we specifically set up to film, it was the dates available for the actors.

Day one of shoot: 17th December 2015

- Mia

Props/Equipment needed: 
- Camera
- Tripod

Costumes needed: 
Mia - black t-shirt, grey stone wash jeans, converse trainers

Day two of shoot:  18th December 2015

- Rasharn

Props/Equipment needed: 
- Camera
- Hand held tripod stabilizer 

Costumes needed: 
Rasharn - Leather cap, black t-shirt, red and black flannel shirt, black denim jeans, black fadidas flux trainers

Day three of shoot: 5th January 2016 

- Rasharn 
- Mia
- Sam

Props/Equipment needed: 
- Camera
- Hand held tripod stabilizer 
- Knife

Costumes needed: 
Rasharn - Leather cap, black t-shirt, red and black flannel shirt, black denim jeans, black Adidas flux trainers
Mia - black t-shirt, grey stone wash jeans, converse trainers
Sam - White t-shirt, blue hoodie, light grey denim jeans, white converse trainers

Day four of shoot: 7th January 2016 

- Sam
- Del

Props/Equipment needed: 
- Camera
- Tripod
- Knife

Costumes needed: 
Sam - White t-shirt, blue hoodie, light grey denim jeans, white converse trainers
Del - Green hoodie, green flannel shirt, black destroyed denim jeans, grey distressed boots

Day five of shoot:  8th January 2016

- Sam
- Del
- Rasharn

Props/Equipment needed: 
- Camera
- Hand held tripod stabilizer
- light reflector
Costumes needed: 
Sam - White t-shirt, blue hoodie, light grey denim jeans, white converse trainers
Del - Green hoodie, green flannel shirt, black destroyed denim jeans, grey distressed boots
Rasharn - Leather cap, black t-shirt, red and black flannel shirt, black denim jeans, black Adidas flux trainers

Credit: Del

Monday 22 February 2016

Final destination poster analysis

Empire magazine analysis

Total Film and Empire magazine analysis

We wanted to keep our magazine as professional and conventional looking as possible. To achieve this we needed to understand the common conventions found on Total Film covers. I found it to be easier to understand the conventions of a magazine, if I analysed one I chose Total Film as it is the one I want to use when creating the magazine. Del decided to do Empire. 

Final destination poster analysis

While I looked at magazines covers Del decided to focus on analyzing film posters another key piece to making our film poster look as realistic and conventional as possible. We decided to do one each so we both gain an insight into typical conventions. 

Credit: Del and Brieani